Meeting info

Re: EMTF Hybrid Morning Speaker Series

March 1st, 2023, 7:00am
Hybrid Presentation, 7:45am


City of Saskatoon Environmental Zoning Bylaw Review - Consultation - The city has launched an Environmental Zoning Review. This presentation will provide an overview of these regulations, covering topics such as green buildings, green roofs, low-impact development, adaptive reuse and infill development, landscape regulations, parking and electric vehicle standards, and greywater re-use. You will also have the opportunity to provide feedback.

Jim Walters, BA (Hons.), RPP, MCIP
Jim has been a practicing planner for over 25 years. In addition to his 19 years as a consultant, Jim spent 2 years at the City of Saskatoon and 5 years with the Community Planning Branch of Saskatchewan Municipal Affairs. Jim has worked on and led over 100 planning bylaw projects for Saskatchewan communities and is Saskatchewan’s longest tenured professional planner in private practice. Mr. Walters is a Registered Professional Planner of Saskatchewan and is the Senior Principal Planner at Crosby Hanna.



7:00am – 7:45am – Casual networking 
7:45am – 8:00am – Announcements.
8:00am – 8:40am – Presentation
8:40am – 9:00am – Q & A

In person — Join us at 7:00 am at Confederation Inn (3330 Fairlight Dr, Saskatoon). Fees are as noted on the website presentations page, and include breakfast.

How do you access the Zoom meeting?
Register to attend this meeting presentation by emailing us at

These Zoom meetings are offered free of charge.

Martin Boucher (EMTF Saskatoon presentation comittee).

EMTF Saskatoon, c/o William Popiel (Webmaster),
242 Tennant Crescent, Saskatoon, SK. S7H 4Y8